What is a Manifold?
by Kwanghee Choi
What is a Manifold?
This is the summary of the lecture, What is a Manifold?, by Dr. Bijan Haney, also known as XylyXylyX. The lecture primarily focuses on constructing a mathematical basis for understanding general relativity, but I was more interested in the deep learning aspect of it. So, do keep in mind that some of the content is missing.
Lecture 1. Point Set Topology and Topological Spaces
- Consider two sets: $X = \mathbb{R}^2$ and $Y = (0, 1)$.
- Even though we are talking about set of points, we are implying its structure. Topology gives structure to a set of points.
- Example structure: Metric $d(p_1, p_2)$ ($\neq$ vector space’s metric).
- $p_1$, $p_2$ might contain coordinates such as (x, y), but we don’t care about that. We are just defining a function $d$ that is well-defined within $\lbrace(p_1, p_2): p_1 \in S$ and $p_2 \in S \rbrace$ where $S$ is the point set.
- Topology $T_X$ for the point set $X$: Also a set!
- We denote $T_X$ = {Subsets of $X$ (i.e., open set)}
- Open set of X = Element of the topology for the point set X
- $(X, T_X)$: Topological space
- Given any sets $u_1, u_2, u_3 \in T_X$,
- $u_1 \cup u_2 \in T_X$ (i.e., arbitrary union, possibly infinite)
- $u_1 \cap u_2 \in T_X$ (i.e., finite intersections)
- Null set $\emptyset \in T_X$ (i.e., smallest set)
- $X \in T_X$ (i.e., biggest set)
Example of Topological Spaces
Consider open sets of $\mathbb{R}^2$.
Usual Topology
- Consider the base open ball $ { x: \vert x-p\vert < r } $. For any point p, any radius r, they are all open sets!
- But using only the current defn. Violates (1) and (2) $\to$ We need to include intersections/unions of open balls
- Any shape can be built by correctly union-ing open balls.
- Example. Rectangle (because we allow infinite union-ing)
- Example. Intersection of two open ball which can be built by both (1) (obviously…) and (2) (by carefully constructing sets to intersect by unions)
- Example. Disjoint union (it’s not “connected”, but still an open set)
- Individual point is NOT an open set, because we cannot arrange it without infinite intersection. We only allow finite intersections.
Other Topologies
- Let the defn. of open set = point p. Then, $T_X$ becomes the power set of X $\to$ Discrete Topology
- Let the defn. of open set = {Null, X} $\to$ Trivial Topology
- Open sets of (0, 1)
- Let the def. of open set: (0, 1-1/N) where N: 2, 3, 4, …
- We also include the null set to avoid violating (3).
- For N $\to \infty$, it becomes (0, 1). Hence, it doesn’t violate (4).
- Their union/intersection will always be the bigger/smaller one, so it doesn’t violate (1) and (2)
- The size of the base set = size of the open set (i.e., don’t need further intersections/unions to describe the open set. Very rare case, strange topology!)
TL;DR: Definition of topology is arbitrary. If it satisfies the four rules, they are all topologies.
Lecture 2. Elementary Definitions
Defn. Neighborhoods
- For point p in X, we call S the neighborhood of p, when:
- S is the subset of X
- $p \in S$
- For bigger subset $N \supset S$, N is also the neighborhood of p.
- For the neighborhoods of p, S and R, $S \cap R$ is also the neighborhood of p.
- For the subset $T_p \subset S_p$ where both are neighborhoods of p, and for all point $r \in T_p$, $S_p$ contains the neighborhoods of $r$.
Defn. Closed set
- Closed set is the complement of an open set.
- For any closed set C, $X-C = U$: open set, and $X-U = C$: closed set.
Defn. Limit point
- Thm. Open set that contains p = Open neighborhood of p
- Remark. For all point in the open set, open set is the open neighborhood for each of the points.
- For a subset $S \subset X$, p is the limit point of S if:
- For every open neighborhood $u_p$ of $p$,
- $u_p \cap S - \lbrace p\rbrace \neq \emptyset$.
- Note. S doesn’t need to be the open set.
- Remark. For any boundary point p of open set S (p is not inside S but at the “boundary”), p is the limit point of S. In other words, limit point p do not need to be inside S.
- Remark. If we assume the space $X$ is metric, then the limit point $p$ is a point which has points of $S$ other than itself, arbitrarily close to it.
- Idea. Three edge cases:
- “Edge” of $S$: It is a limit point
- “Hole” (missing point) “inside” $S$: It is a limit point
- “Isolated” point “outside” $S$: It is not a limit point
Defn. Closure
- Given the topological space $(X, T_X)$ and the subset $S \subset X$,
- $\bar{S}$ (Closure of S) $ = S \cup$ “all of its limit points”
- Idea. It fills up all the edges and holes of $S$. “Isolated” is already inside $S$.
Defn. Interior
- Point $p \in S^0$ (the interior of the set S) if:
- I can find a subset $u_p \subset S$ that is the open set containing p.
- Note. For the usual topology, “edge” is not inside the interior, even in the case when S is the closed set.
- Remark. $S^0$ is always open.
- Remark. $S^0$ is the union of all the open sets inside S.
- Remark. S is open if and only if $S = S^0$.
- Remark. $S^0 = {\overline{S^c}}^c$. In other words, $S^0$ is the complement of the closure of the complement of S.
- Complement of S = Outside S (Includes “holes”)
- Closure of the complement of S (Includes “edges”)
- Complement of the closure of the complement of S (Excludes “edges” and “holes.”)
- Idea. All three edge cases $\notin S^0$.
Defn. Exterior
- Complement of its closure $\overline{S}^c$
- Idea. Three edge cases $\notin \overline{S}^c$
- “Edge” and “Hole” is not the exterior because it’s “too close” to the set $S$.
- “Isolated” is not the exterior because it’s not “outside” $S$.
Defn. Boundary
- Neither the exterior nor the interior.
- Remark. It includes all the three edge cases.
Defn. Dense
- For a subset $S \subset X$, S is dense in X when:
- For all point $p \in X$, $p \in S$ or p is the limit point of S.
- In other words, $p \in \bar{S}$.
- Example. Consider the set of points with rational coordinates $S = \lbrace(q_1, q_2) \vert q_1 \in \mathbb{Q} \text{ and } q_2 \in \mathbb{Q}\rbrace$.
- S is dense in the usual topology of $\mathbb{R}^2$, because we can find an infinitely close rational number (neighborhood) for any irrational number.
- However, S is not dense in the discrete topology.
Lecture 3. Alternative Topologies and Separation
Alternative Topologies for Intervals
- We introduce various example topologies to understand different concepts more clearly.
- Recall. Topologies for open interval (0, 1)
- Usual topology $T_E$: Open interval (Euclidean topology)
- “Nested interval” topology $T_{NI}$: (0, 1-1/N) where N: 2, 3, …
Closed Interval Topology $T_{CI}$
- Consider the topology $T_{CI}$ for the closed interval $[-1, 1]$.
- Let’s set the bases as half-open intervals $[-1, a)$ and $(b, 1]$ where $a>0, b<0$.
- Let’s denote the former “lower base” and the latter “upper base.”
- Union/Intersection within the lower/upper base is just the bigger/smaller member (same with the “Nested interval” topology).
- Union of the any member of the lower & upper base is always the entire set.
- Intersection of the upper & lower element: open interval (b, a) which always includes “0.” Hence, it’s not a “general” open interval.
- Let’s set the bases as half-open intervals $[-1, a)$ and $(b, 1]$ where $a>0, b<0$.
Cofinite Topology $T_{CF}$
- For the open interval $X$ (0, 1) with the usual topology $T_X$:
- Choose the finite number of points. Its complement can be constructed by the following:
- Example. Points = {0.2, 0.4}. Then, the complement of the points = (0, 0.2) $\cup$ (0.2, 0.4) $\cup$ (0.4, 1.0) $\in T_X$.
- We can exclude the finite number of points.
- Example. ${0.2, 0.4}^C \cap {0.3, 0.4}^C = {0.2, 0.3, 0.4}^C$
- Choose the finite number of points. Its complement can be constructed by the following:
$T_0$ Separability (Kolmogorov)
- To satisfy the $T_0$ Separability:
- For any two points $p_1, p_2 \in X$, there has to exist an open set $S \in T_X$ such that $p_1 \in S$ but $p_2 \notin S$.
- In other words, there has to exist the open set that distinguishes two points.
- Remark. $T_E$ satisfies it.
- Remark. $T_{NI}$ does not satisfy it.
- Consider $p_1=0.1, p_2=0.2$.
- The bases are (0, 0.5), (0, 0.67), (0, 0.75)…
- Hence, $p_1$ and $p_2$ is always within the base (0, 0.5). $\to$ Violation!
- Remark. $T_{CI}$ satisfies it.
- For the case where $p_1>0, p_2<0$, $T_{CI}$ can be separated by using either lower or upper base.
- This is somewhat stronger than $T_0$, because we can find separate open set for both points.
- For the asymmetric case where $p_1 * p_2 > 0$, it can be separated by using lower/upper base only.
- For the case where $p_1>0, p_2<0$, $T_{CI}$ can be separated by using either lower or upper base.
$T_1$ Separability (Frechet)
- To satisfy the $T_1$ Separability:
- For any two points $p_1, p_2 \in X$, there has to exist open sets $\mathbf{S_1, S_2} \in T_X$ such that $p_1 \in S_1, p_2 \notin S_1$ and $\mathbf{p_1 \notin S_2, p_2 \in S_2}$.
- In other words, each has to have a neighborhood not containing the other point.
- Remark. $T_{CF}$ satisfies it.
$T_2$ Separability (Hausdorff)
- To satisfy the $T_2$ Separability:
- For any two points $p_1, p_2 \in X$, there has to exist disjoint open sets $S_1, S_2 \in T_X$ and $\mathbf{S_1 \cap S_2 = \emptyset}$,
- such that $p_1 \in S_1, p_2 \notin S_1$ and $p_1 \notin S_2, p_2 \in S_2$.
- Remark. $T_{CF}$ does not satisfy it, but $T_E$ satisfy it.
- The most common one! Also, if you want, you can get more stronger separability than this.
Interesting properties
- Consider the usual topological space $(\mathbb{R}^2, T_E)$ and the real line $L \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ on the space.
- Subset L induces a new usual topological space $(L, T_L)$ as all the open sets in $T_L \subset T_E$ (i.e., the neighbors of the boundary L) acts as an open interval.
- Consider the topological space $(U, T_U), (S, T_S)$.
- The cartesian product $U \times S$ has the topology $T_U \times T_S$.
Lecture 4. Countability and Continuity
- Consider the topological space $(X, T)$ and a point $p \in X$ inside the open set $S \in T$.
- Let’s define a more smaller open set $S_1 \subset S$ that is the neighbor of $p$.
- Let’s keep defining the smaller open set such that $S_{n+1} \subset S_n$.
- The nested collection could terminate (ex. Discrete Topology), but for the open ball topology, there will be an infinite number of open sets.
Defn. First-Countability
- The topological space $(X, T)$ is first-countable when:
- For every point $p \in X$, there exist a countable open nested neighborhoods.
- Remark. If we use rational coordinates on the usual topological space, we can build a countable nested collection such as a ball with radius 1/N, i.e., usual topological space is first-countable.
Defn. Second-Countability
- The topological space $(X, T)$ is second-countable when the topology has a countable base, i.e.,
- For every open set $S \in T$ can be written as $S = \cup_i b_i$ of the bases $b_i$.
- Remark. If we use rational coordinates on the usual topological space, we can define a “rational” neigborhood for every point $p \in X$, i.e., usual topological space is second-countable.
- If the space is second countable, it is always first-countable. However, the converse is not true.
- Manifolds that “behave well” is second-countable.
- Nested interval topology $T_{NI}$ and closed interval topology $T_{CI}$ are second-countable.
- Cofinite topology $T_{CF}$ is not first-countable. (Approach: Start with a basis, check whether one can build a smaller basis based on the initial one.)
Example. Lower-limit Topology $T_{LL}$
- Consider a lower-limit topology with the basis set $[b, a) \in T_{LL}$.
- Note that $(l, m) \in T_{LL}$ by the following construction:
- Consider a sequence $b_n \to l^+$. Then, the infinite union $\cup_n^\infty [b_i, m) = (l, m)$.
- Remark. Euclidean topology $T_E \subset T_{LL}$. In other words, $T_LL$ is finer to $T_E$ and $T_E$ is coarser to $T_{LL}$.
- Remark. It is clearly first-countable. However, it is not second-countable.
- Assume that there exists a countable basis $[b_n, a_m)$ where $n, m \in \mathbb{I}$.
- One can only construct a basis that is customized to a specific $(l, m)$. If we change $l$, we have to redefine $b_n$, which violates the assumption of a fixed countable basis.
- “There is always this weird counterexamples.”
TL; DR: This is why we want the manifolds to be Hausdorff & Second-countable, because, if not, weird things happen.
- Consider a function $f: X \to Y$ where $X, Y$ is endowed to each topologies $T_X, T_Y$.
- We want to define continuity of the function $f$.
- Recall. epsilon-delta definition of a limit assumes lots of information such as the existence of a distance function. We aim to define continuity without these.
Defn. Continuity
- Consider the inverse mapping $f^{-1}$ and the arbitrary open set $S_Y \in T_Y$.
- A function $f$ is continuous if the pre-image $f^{-1}(S_Y)$ is an open set in $T_X$.
- Remark. Relation with the epsilon-delta
- [epsilon-side] For any $S_Y \in T_Y$,
- [delta-side] we need to find the tight-enough open neighborhood $S_X \in T_X$ such that $f(S_X) \subset S_Y$.
- Consider the function $f(x)=x$ and the topologies $T_E, T_{NI}, T_{CI}, T_{CF}, T_{LL}$.
- Recall. Euclidian, Nested Intervals, Closed Intervals, Cofinite, Lower Limit
- Each bases: (a, b), (0, 1-1/N), [-1, a) and (b, 1], Point exclusion, [b, a)
- $T_E \to T_{NI}$: Inverse of the nested interval (0, 1-1/N) directly maps to (a, b), i.e., for all the open set of $S_Y \in T_Y$, $f^{-1}(S_Y) \in T_X$. Hence, $f$ is cont.
- $T_E \to T_{CI}$: Open intervals are okay, But, it fails on the form of [0, a) or (b, 1] due to the point 0, 1. Hence, $f$ is not cont.
- $T_E \to T_{CF}$: N open intervals’ union ($\in T_{CF}$) maps fine to $T_E$. Hence, $f$ is cont.
- $T_E \to T_{LL}$: Half-closed interval [a, b) is not a closed set in $T_E$. Hence, $f$ is not cont.
- $T_{NI}, T_{CI}, T_{CF} \to T_E$: Consider (0.1, 0.2). It fails on everything.
- $T_{LL} \to T_E$: $f$ is cont. Recall that $T_{LL}$ is finer to $T_E$.
- Everything else to $T_{Distinct}$: $f$ has to be cont. because $T_{Distinct}$ is the finest topology.
- $T_{Distinct} \to T_{LL}$: Consider [0.1, 0.2]. Due to the upper limit, it fails. Hence, $f$ is not cont.
Lecture 5. Compactness, Connectedness, and Topological Properties
Defn. Homeomorphism
- Defn. $f$ is homeomorphic when:
- $f$ and $f^{-1}$ is both the cont. function, 1-to-1, and onto.
- Recall.
- 1-to-1 (injection): if $f(a) = f(b)$, $a=b$. In other words, if $a \neq b$, $f(a) \neq f(b)$.
- Onto (surjection): Image is equal to its codomain.
- Remark. This is important because various topological properties are preserved for homeomorphisms, such as separability, connectedness, or compactness.
- Remark. There is no sense of shape, metric, and geometry here. It is very abstract.
Defn. Compactness
- Defn. Open cover of a set X = A collection of open sets (subcovers) whose union covers X, i.e., $X \subset \cup_i s_i$.
- Case 1. Consider the case where the number of subset needs to be infinite to cover the open set X.
- For example, next subcover only half of the remaining X that is not covered by the sum of previous subcovers.
- Excluding the boundary, the subsets will eventually cover all the elements in open set X, approaching the boundary as close as possible.
- Case 2. Compare it with the case where there are infinite number of subcovers, but only need finite subset of them to actually cover X.
- Defn. If I find any cover that needs infinite number of subcovers to cover X (Case 1), we call X not compact.
- Case 3. Same with Case 1, but with the closed set X.
- Because of the boundary, the subcovers will get infinitely close to the boundary, but never include the boundary.
- To include the boundary, we need to come up with a subcover that includes the boundary. It will touch the progressing subcovers, hence making the total number of subcovers finite.
- Remark. One cannot found that is infinite. This case is compact.
Defn. Connectedness
- For the topological space $(X, T_X)$, if there exists open sets $G, H \in T_X$ such that $G \cap H = \emptyset$ and $G \cup H = X$, we call that X is not connected.
- Remark. If there are two or more disconnected subset, we call X not connected.
- Remark. Homeomorphism $f$ preserves connectedness.
- For the topological space $(Y, T_Y)$ and function $f: X \to Y$, $f(G), f(H) \in T_Y$, $f(G) \cap f(H) = \emptyset$, and $f(G) \cup f(H) = Y$.
Defn. Path-connectedness
- Defn. Given the arbitrary point $x, y \in X$, if I can draw a line between $x, y$, we call $x, y$ path-connected.
- Draw a line means that I can define a continuous function $f: [0, 1] \to X$ where $f(0) = x, f(1) = y$.
- Defn. If I can path-connect arbitrary two points of X, we call X path-connected.
- Remark. If X is path-connected, X is connected. Its converse is not true.
- Remark. If one path can be “continuously deformed” into the other, such a deformation is called a homotopy.
- On the sphere, any path can be deformed into another path (Simply connected).
- However, on the donut, if it circles around the hole, it cannot be deformed into the straight path.
Lecture 6. Topological Manifolds
- Paracompact if every open cover has an open refinement that is locally finite.
- A refinement of a cover C is a new cover D such that every set in D is contained in some set in C.
- Locally finite if each point in the space has a neighbourhood that intersects only finitely many of the sets in the collection.
- Remark. Compactness is a property that seeks to generalize the notion of a closed and bounded subset of Euclidean space by making precise the idea of a space having no “punctures” or “missing endpoints”, i.e. that the space not exclude any limiting values of points.
- Remark. Paracompactness is more of a local property while Compactness is a global property.
Requirements for the Topological Manifold
- We consider the topological space $(X, T_X)$ (Set with its topology)
- with the topological properties:
- Hausdorff (two points separable with two disjoint open set)
- Second-countable (has a countable basis)
- Paracompact (locally closed and bounded)
- which makes the space metrizable.
- Metrizable = We can invent a metric $d$ that measure the space
- $d: X \times X \to \mathbb{R}^{+}$ (Sometimes it’s $\mathbb{R}$ such as the Riemannian metric)
- Hausdorff (to distinguish points in a very aggressive way), Second-countable & Compact (to control the space to make it useful)
- If it’s locally Euclidean, we call the space Topological Manifold.
Motivation for the Locally Euclidean
- $\mathbb{R}^N$ is simply a tuple of N real numbers. So, let’s endow it with the usual topology (i.e., open ball topology), i.e., consider the topological space $(\mathbb{R}^N, T_{\mathbb{R}^N})$, which is quite rich!
- We need to build a homeomorphism from the topological manifold to $\mathbb{R}^N$, i.e., $f: X \to \mathbb{R}^N$, to enjoy its richness.
- Let’s enjoy the simplicity of $\mathbb{R}^N$, yet avoid requiring the extreme requirement of homeomorphism across the whole space by incorporating the idea Locally Euclidean!
Exploiting the locality
- Let’s consider a space $(X, T_X)$ and its open set $U_p$, which is the neighborhood of the point $p$.
- Note that $(U_p, T_X \vert_{U_p})$ is also a topological space: all the elements’ unions and intersections are inside $U_p$, and the total union is equal to $U_p$. We can call that it inherited the topology from the original space.
- Now, consider the open set of $\mathbb{R}^N$, $S, T_{\mathbb{R}^N} \vert_S$ and the homeomorphism $f: U_p \to S$, which is much easier to construct!
- Let’s extend this further. Consider any point $p \in X$ and its corresponding point $f(p) \in \mathbb{R}^N$. It’ll be awesome if we get to design $f$ for every open neighborhood of $p$ and $f(p)$, i.e., for every subcover of the open cover of $X$.
- If we manage to do so, we get to obtain the coordinates, i.e., $X$ is locally Euclidean.
- Be careful that each subcover maps to a different copy of $\mathbb{R}^N$, so comparing the coordinates across different subcovers won’t make any sense.
Classic example: Earth map
- Consider the surface of the sphere $(X, T_{\mathbb{R}^3}\vert_X)$ which inherits from the 3-dimensional space.
- We can easily construct $X$ by starting from the open ball $S$. The closure $\bar{S}$ will include the surface, hence let’s subtract the interior: $X=\bar{S} - S^0$.
- Sphere is compact but the plane is not.
- Hence, we can automatically determine that there will be no homeomorphism from $X \to \mathbb{R}^2$ (because it’ll preserve the topological properties).
- However, if we remove a single point from $X$, it becomes non-compact! (Consider the continuously halving subcovers example towards the south pole)
- Consider any open neighborhood of the point $p$ on the sphere and its corresponding circle (open neighborhood of $f(p)$) on the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$.
- Even though the whole sphere is not mappable to $\mathbb{R}^2$, each region is, i.e., locally homeomorphic.
- Let’s directly design the mapping:
- Exclude the south pole $Q$. Given the north pole $P$, let the neighborhood $u_P = X-Q$.
- Let the plane pass through the sphere’s center, perpendicular to $\overline{PQ}$. Then, for any point $p$ on $u_P$, I can draw a line $\overline{pQ}$.
- The intersection of the line and the plane becomes the mapping $\gamma_P$.
- You can’t map $Q$, but everything else is successfully mapped. It is also homeomorphism, i.e., easily determine its reverse.
- If we do the same thing by excluding $P$ and including $Q$, we can yield $\gamma_Q$.
- We can yield the Atlas $\mathcal{A} = \lbrace (u_P, \gamma_P), (u_Q, \gamma_Q) \rbrace$, which is a set of Charts, i.e., tuples of the chart region $u$ and the homeomorphic map $\gamma$.
Classic counterexample
- T-shaped line inherited from $\mathbb{R}^2$
- If we wanted to map this to $\mathbb{R}^1$, the center point’s neighborhood becomes the problem. There is now way to design a homeomorphism without violation on continuity (the center point has to be inside two line segments, which is not possible).
- It also fails for $\mathbb{R}^2$ due to the simple line segment. In $\mathbb{R}^2$, line segment is not an open set.
- The space is not elligible for the topological manifold!
Lecture 7. Differentiable Manifolds
- Recall. Topological manifold space $(X, T_X, \mathcal{A})$ where the atlas $\mathcal{A} = \lbrace (u_i, \gamma_i) \rbrace$. Homeomorphic mapping $\gamma$ maps to the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$ with dimension $d$, so that the point $p \in X$ is mapped to the coordinates $\gamma_i(p) = (\alpha_i^1, \cdots, \alpha_i^d)$.
- Remark. $X$: real world, $\mathbb{R}^d$: model. We do all of our work on $\mathbb{R}^d$.
Transition function
- Let $\mathcal{A} = \lbrace (u_1, \gamma_1), (u_2, \gamma_2), \cdots \rbrace$, $u_{12} = u_1 \cap u_2$.
- Remark. Intersections might be quite severe. Recall the Earth map example. Its intersection = everything except the north and the south pole.
- Remark. You must have overlaps because neighborhoods are open sets, and their boundaries must also be included.
- Point $p \in u_{12}$ is mapped to both $\gamma_1(p) \in u_1, \gamma_2(p) \in u_2$ by each homeomorphisms.
- Remark. Connectedness is preserved, i.e., no holes.
- Consider a map: $f: \gamma_1(u_{12}) \to \gamma_2(u_{12})$, or in other words, $\mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^d$. $f = \gamma_2 \circ \gamma_1^{-1}$. We call $f$ a transition function which translates the coordinates from $u_1$’s corresponding space to that of $u_2$’s.
- Remark. $f^{-1} = \gamma_1 \circ \gamma_2^{-1}$.
Differentiable Manifold
- Remark. It is guaranteed that $f \in C^0$ ($f$ is continuous).
- Defn. If $f \in C^\infty$ (i.e., $f$ is a smooth function, $f$ is infinitely differentiable), we call the space differentiable manifold $(X, T_X, \mathcal{A})$.
- Remark. All differentiable manifolds are topological manifolds, but the converse is not true.
- Remark. We can now enjoy various tools such as multivariate calculus.
Defn. Compatibility of Charts
- Charts $(u, \gamma)$ and $(v, \phi)$ is compatible when:
- $u \cap v = \empty$
- $u \cap v \neq \empty$ and both $\phi \circ \gamma^{-1}, \gamma \circ \phi^{-1}$ are smooth
- Remark. If $X$ is a differentiable manifold, every intersecting pair of charts has a smooth transition function, i.e., compatible.
- Consider two different atlases $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}$ that are both compatible. $\mathcal{C} = \mathcal{A} \cup \mathcal{B}$.
- Obvious result: $\mathcal{C}$ is a valid atlas.
- Advanced result: $\mathcal{C}$ is a differentiable manifold when $d \le 3$. However, it cannot be guaranteed when $d \ge 5$. There are infinite number of differentiable structures on $d=4$, but finite on $d>4$.
- Maximal atlas: Union of all atlases where it is compatible. Does not grow bigger and compatible for any other atlas.
- For every maximal atlas, there is a differentiable structure.
Lecture 8. Curves, Coordinate Functions, and Diffeomorphisms
Defn. Curve
- Consider a differentiable manifold $(X, T_X, \mathcal{A})$ and any point $\lambda \in \mathbb{R}$ on the real line.
- Let an arbitrary function $f: \mathbb{R} \to X$. We call $f$ the curve.
- Remark. Its range will pass through one or more chart regions.
- Example. Consider two overlapping charts $(u, \gamma), (v, \phi)$. Then, $\gamma \circ f, \phi \circ f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^d $.
Defn. Coordinate function
- Consider a differentiable manifold $(X, T_X, \mathcal{A})$ and a chart $(u, \gamma) \in \mathcal{A}$.
- For any $p \in X$, $\gamma(p) \in \mathbb{R}^d$. We call each function per coordinate $\gamma(p) = (\alpha^1(p), \alpha^2(p), \cdots \alpha^d(p))$ coordinate functions where $\alpha^i: X \to \mathbb{R}$.
Defn. Diffeomorphism
- Consider two differentiable manifold $(X, T_X, \mathcal{A}), (Y, T_Y, \mathcal{B})$ and the function $f: X \to Y$.
- For two charts $(u, \gamma) \in \mathcal{A}, (v, \phi) \in \mathcal{B}$, we can define $\phi \circ f \circ \gamma^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^{d_X} \to \mathbb{R}^{d_Y}$.
- If $f$ exists where it is:
- 1-to-1
- Onto
- Both $f, f^{-1}$ are differentiable
- Or in other words, homeomorphic and differentiable,
- we call $f$: diffeomorphism and $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}$: diffeomorphic spaces.
- Remark. Diffeomorphism = Homeomorphism for differentiable manifolds
Lecture 9. Tangent Space
- Consider two differentiable manifolds $(X, T_X, \mathcal{A}), (\mathbb{R}, T_\mathbb{R}, \mathcal{B})$, any chart $(u, \gamma) \in \mathcal{A}$, and a function $f: X \to \mathbb{R}$.
- Recall. $\gamma: X \to \mathbb{R}^d, f \circ \gamma^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^d \to X \to \mathbb{R}$.
- Differentiability check: Checking whether $f \in C^\infty$ or not.
- Note. Let $\mathcal{B} = \lbrace (v_1, \phi_1) \rbrace$. Then, $v_1 = \mathbb{R}$ and $\phi_1 = I_\mathbb{R}$, i.e., identity mapping.
- Consider a curve $\psi: \mathbb{R} \to X$. (Let’s denote $\mathbb{R}$ as $\mathbb{R}_t$ from now on to avoid confusion.)
- Idea. This is the time dimension in physics.
- Remark. $\gamma \circ \psi: \mathbb{R}_t \to X \to \mathbb{R}^d, f \circ \psi: \mathbb{R}_t \to X \to \mathbb{R}$.
- We drew contours where $f$ values are the same.
- Consider the amount of change on $f$ with respect to $t$, i.e., $d(f \circ \psi)/dt$ or $(f \circ \psi)’ (t)$.
- It is dependent on the curve $\psi$. For example, with the different curve, it’ll be totally different.
- Note. More sloppy notation $df/dt$ is often used in other literature.
- Consider a mapping $v_{\psi, t_0}: C^\infty(X) \to \mathbb{R}$ with the parameters $\psi$ and $t_0 \in \mathbb{R}_t$.
- Then, $v_{\psi, t_0} (f) = (f \circ \psi)’(t_0)$.
- This is the notion of velocity in physics. More formally, it’s a velocity of a function $f$ when passed through by $\psi$ on a single point $t_0$.
Choosing one curve
- There will be an infinite varieties of derivatives based on the curve:
- $v_{\psi, t_0}(f) = (f \circ \psi)’(t_0), v_{\phi, t_1}(f) = (f \circ \phi)’(t_1), v_{\sigma, t_2}(f) = (f \circ \sigma)’(t_2)$.
- Let a point $p \in X$ where $p = \psi(t_0) = \phi (t_1) = \sigma (t_2)$.
- Hence, let’s define a set of all possible mappings $\lbrace v_{\gamma, t} \vert \gamma: \mathbb{R} \to X \rbrace$, and show that it is a vector space by proving:
- (Addition) There exists a mapping $\sigma$ where $v_{\psi, t_0} (f) + v_{\phi, t_1}(f) = v_{\sigma, t_2}(f)$.
- (Scalar multiplication) There exists a mapping $\sigma$ where $\alpha \cdot v_{\psi, t_0} (f) = v_{\sigma, t_2}(f)$ for any $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$.
Proof of 1. Addition
- Claim. $\sigma(t) = \gamma^{-1} \lbrack (\gamma \circ \psi)(t_0 + t) + (\gamma \circ \phi) (t_1 + t) - (\gamma \circ \psi)(t_0) \rbrack$.
- Note. It works even if we swap $\phi$ with $\psi$.
- Observation. $\sigma(0) = \gamma^{-1}\lbrack \gamma(p) + \gamma(p) - \gamma(p) \rbrack = p$, hence $t_2 = 0$.
- Velocity $v_{\sigma, t}(f) = (f \circ \sigma)’(0) = ((f \circ \gamma^{-1})\circ (\gamma \circ \sigma))’(0)$.
- Note. We’re derivating with respect to $t$.
- Note. $\gamma \circ \sigma: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^d, f \sigma \gamma^{-1}: \mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}$.
- (cont.) $v_{\sigma, t}(f) =\sum_j \partial_j (f \circ \gamma^{-1}) (\gamma \circ \sigma(0)) \cdot (\gamma \circ \sigma)_j’(0)$
- $(\gamma \circ \sigma)_j’(0) = (\gamma \circ \psi)’_j(t_0 + 0) + (\gamma \circ \phi)’_j (t_1 + 0) - \sout{(\gamma \circ \psi)’_j(t_0)}$
- $\because$ Last term is not dependent on $t$.
- (cont.) $v_{\sigma, t}(f)= \sum_j \partial_j (f \circ \gamma^{-1}) (\gamma (p)) \cdot (\gamma \circ \sigma)j’(0) = \sum_j \partial_j (f \circ \gamma^{-1}) (\gamma (p)) \cdot \lbrack (\gamma \circ \psi)_j’(t_0) + (\gamma \circ \phi)_j’(t_1) \rbrack = (f \circ \psi)’(t_0) + (f \circ \phi)’(t_1) = v{\psi, t_0} (f) + v_{\phi, t_1}(f).$ QED.
- Remark. $f$ becomes irrelevant, hence it works for an arbitrary chart. Hence, $v_{\sigma, t_2} = v_{\psi, t_0} + v_{\phi, t_1}$.
- Note. As $p = \psi(t_0) = \phi (t_1) = \sigma (t_2)$, we also write the above as $v_{\sigma, p} = v_{\psi, p} + v_{\phi, p}$.
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